Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fri 7 July - More stuff, last day of school holidays!

Feed me you will, look stupid do I.


Would you sponsor a aging American tv star for a once off payment of $2.50 to let a dream come true? Please, help the Hoff achieve #1 on the UK charts...

If you are a fan of the TV show lost... DO NOT LOOK HERE!
If you are a fan of spoiling tv shows for dedicated fans of tv shows... LOOK HERE!

Quite possibly one of the best arcade games in the world, well in my humble opinion anyway. And since I write this each day, that means it is the best in the world! MUAHAHAHAHAA

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thurs 6 July - Do you like stuff?

Awww its so dam cute I want to die!

So, ladies, ever felt like ramming your mans head through a solid glass plate door cause we just don't understand for a few days a month... This may cheer you up, along with chocolate, LOTS OF CHOCOLATE...


Consider yourself a nature lover? Did you know there are less than 250 Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkeys in the world? Or do you even know what a Dwarf Blue Sheep is like? Well, this is the list of the most endangered animals in the world.



An Australian man has been arrested in Italy for an assault on a local manfollowing the Socceroos losing to Italy in the World Cup.

Witnesses saythe Australian was 20 metres away when the incident happened.

The victim suffered a fractured skull, cardiac arrest, and has developed diabetes and severe pneumonia as a result of the incident.

He is expected to recover in a few minutes.

Wed 5 July - Just a reminder, not everything is totally safe for the kids... *innocent whistle*

Random Pet Photo!


So thats how you get out of a speeding ticket...


Feeling unloved, unappreciated and no one to give you any special attention... Well, either call 47523732 to make an appointment ($150 / 30 mins) or visit this web site!

One finally for the kids, school holiday entertainment saving the parents from going mental. Only a few more days till they are back at school!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Mon 4th July - Happy American Independence Day! *note no links are actually about Independence Day!

Random Pet Picture!!!


One bloke in the states came up with the great idea of "If I get 20,000 to donates $0.25 cents each I can by myself a new computer" But whats in it for the 20,000 people? You get to see him blow up his old computer! BOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!


Awwwww pretty fireworks! Well, how about make your own sparklers?!

Note - Kids, be careful, I dont even know where you would get this stuff from, but dont be stupid with this mixture!


If you want to work out your porn name, well just send us an email and it will be sent back to you!