Friday, May 04, 2007

Is this the end?

Hey guys, Maz here just wanting to say thank you for all your support over the life of the inbox...
Its going to take a short break and may return in the future, but I still will be updating this site from time to time with your piccies, sites and videos, so keep sending them in!
But for now, thank you and keep listening to Sea!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Fri 4 May - Today is star wars day... May the 4th be with you...


There is a lot of strange merchandise out there for to tie in with spiderman 3... and here are some of them!

I like the spiderman operation game...


Its strange, its weird, its russia meets ice skating meets stripping.... ITS WRONG!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thu 03 May - Tomorrow is no pants day!!!


The following is an important fashion tip for everyone when considering what to wear to work on friday...

The Japanese are strange when it comes to their tv shows...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wed 02 May - DANGER!

Stick figure peril! Gasp in horror as innocent little stick figures are placed in situations of extreme danger that may result in... DEATH!
Having a bad day? Not so much after watching these people...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tue 01 May - Time for a new month


Well hiiiiii there stranger, ma names Studley Clementine, why dont ya'll check out your hill billy name here!
Cute little girl telling her mum what she will do to any monsters in her room!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Mon 30 Apr - I dont want to learn kick boxing...


Just in case you have been wondering, how much your body weight in beer would work out to be, well look no further!


Protecting the boys is all important in this bout of kickboxing...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Fri 27 Apr - Top 100 women in the world!

The above smokin hot chicky baby is the #1 sexiest woman in the world, according to the UK version of FHM - see who else is in the top 100!


This is the most insane motor cross dude in the world...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thu 26 Apr - WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!


The ultimate alarm clock, there is no way known to mankind you could sleep thought this bad boy!


It sounds rude, but its not really, but still, not good for the kids cause there is a swear word in it right at the end on the screen... just being good incase kids are visiting.

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Tues 24 Apr - this is just sick...


Welcome to the "Circus of Disemboweled Plush Toys" Turn away lest you vomit from looking at such hideous sickening pictures.


Sometimes people are idiots, lucky for us, when they are idiots, there is usually a video camera about!
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Mon 23 Apr - Too much time on hands

Ok, you need 10 people, with a cool hours to spare and over 6400 post it notes to create the above! For more geek filled pics, have a look here!

So ever had someone at work that just presses your buttons and you want to just punch them and rip out their spinal cord? Well good, so has this guy...
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thu 19 Apr - police go boooom!


Cute little game about busting balloons. Fun and stupidly addictive.
A police training exercise thats been caught on video going tragically wrong.

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wed 18 Apr - TV strikes back!


Hate the way oz TV is at the moment? Well strike back at the logies by voting in the Fuglies!

So dam funny as Will Farrell gets evicted from his flat by his 2 year old, drunken land lord.

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tue 17 Apr - KABOOM!!!!

Is that a gun I am sitting on or are you just happy to see me?
This is not going to end well for this snowborder...
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mon 16 Apr - strum along with air sex


Find out how much caffine is in your favourite drink! CCAFFFIINNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE WWHHEHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Air guitar is soooo yesterday, now, its time for AIR SEX!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Fri 13 Apr - OOOOOHHHHHHH Its spooky!


Well if it was this easy, I am sure the americans wouldnt have spent millions of $$$ looking for him! Its simple, but satisfying, especially when you "accidently" shoot the hostage.
Kung Fu Shoe!!!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thurs 12 Apr - sexual harassment


Hints and tips as to leading through body language.


Sexual Harassment training video, watch and learn...


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wed 11 Apr - Hump day already

Exotic urinals, sure, they are beautiful, but would you feel weird peeing into them?


And you think your dog is smart, you got nothing on this dog...


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mon 10 Apr - Coming down from the weekend sugar rush...

So not enough of the easter delight? Well, here is a do it yourself project!


Funny church moments including when a priest drops a host down a brides top, and then proceeds to get it out!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tues 3 Apr - sneaky farts!

Are you a sneaky farter? Put your skills to the test...

No one pays attention to car alarms anymore, not till this bad boy came alonga...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Mon 2 Apr - Easter bunny!

April fools has come and gone for another year, next year be more prepared! Have a look at this list of pranks and maybe get some good ideas for '08!


What does the Easter bunny do when hes not delivering little eggs to all the good boys and girls around the world? WELL HE KICKS ARSE!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thurs 29 Mar - Rocket up the bum!


Think you know your celebs - take the quiz, but remember time is important...
Yes, its true, guys are STUPID, I present to you evidence A...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007



The Art of the nanna nap explained here, read it if you are not sleeping...

Love your comics and want a laugh each day for free?
OUCH! This will end bad... but if it didnt, would we put it on here?

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tues 26 Mar - If you love beer, you will love...

32 amazing things you can do with beer... 33 if you count drinking it!
A new game, fun for everyone to play... STRANGER RODEO!!!
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Mon 27 Mar - Its almost EASTER!!!

Kiwis looking for love? Well look no further...
Look out Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Its time for Surfing Mice!
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Fri 23 Mar - I want Knight Rider


Think that dwarf throwing is immoral and just plain wrong? What ever you do, do not click on this link and play this game then...


I love Knight Rider, it was the best show on Tv in the 80's - and now takes the piss, but for good reason, you can win your own trans am!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thu 22 Mar - I have a rental inspection today!

Love the movies? Well, head here, its BCC's web page, lots of movie trailers, competitions and stuff to while away the hours..
But if you are a fan of Pirates, the BRAND NEW movie trailer is out...
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wed 21 Mar - Humpy hump day


So, feeling hungry? How does a beer battered, bacon wrapped cheese filled hot dog sound to you?


Ok this is the weirdest thing I think I have seen... Eminem sung in german, but synched to the Smurfs... I cant stop watching it!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tues 20 March - Borats back!


Did you know that a group of caterpillars is called an army? And so is a group of Frogs! But what is a group of toads called?


Borat is back with his own disturbing version of Baywatch...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mon 19 Mar - Only 363 days till next St Paddy!

What movies can make a man, a real man cry? Well, visit here for a look into a guys blubber fest - BYO tissues!


Guys, sick of girls being the only ones to be able to get their bits out in public? Well here is the latest fashion trend for us guys!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Fri 16 Mar - oohhhh this is pain...


Want a own a cool geeky shirt? Well this site has lots of geeky stuff, along with this cool shirt


Sometimes the bull wins...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thurs 15 Mar - Beware the ides of march!

Using nothing but the raw and amazing power of the mind, you too, if you follow these step by step instructions, can BEND SPOONS!!!*

*we take no responsibility on how mad your flatmates / wife / partners will be when they open the drawer to see it full of bent spoons!



Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wed 14 Mar - bloody nice house!


Play this game, how good are your eyes... pick which ones are guys and girls, sadly, I got 13/16... Still, 3 less then I would have hoped!


Want to be a hip, cool and trendy politician? Well obviously you want to have your own web site translated into KLINGON! Pollie and a Trekkie? Yeah, hes not going to pick up in a hurry...


Do you have a spare $75,000,000? This is the ultimate house for your cash. Sure its nice, but does it have a urinal?

__________________________________________________________ Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tues 13 Mar - Geek Tats everywhere!


Looking for a geeky tat? This site has a stack of geeky tats for you to look at, and for the record, this is the geeky one I would get done... points to anyone who knows what it is!

A Brand new game show... WHATS IN MY PANTS!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mon 12 Mar - Inspirations is an amazing place


Have an issue with anger at work? Well here, try this out and at least you wont be up on charges for assault...

Allow me to introduce to you the MICROWAVE OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Fri 09 March - Romantic weekend away for Candy and me!


Load your gun and take your sites and FIRE!!!!


One of those candid camera shows over seas has pulled a prank involving a man and a portapotty... oh its cruel!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Thurs 08 Mar - SPIDERMAN!!!!


So the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has released the top 200 albums of all time... and here they all are!


Are you looking forward to Spiderman 3? Well, bring it! Sneak peeks of one of the biggest movies of 07!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wed 07 Mar - Picture of a prison break gone very wrong!


The defining moment in mans fashion was not the DT's, was not the mullet, but was.... THE MAN PERM! Here are the top 10 Man-permers!

Old spice, the untimate mans scent right after Brutt 33 has launched a new web site. Test your manly knowledge with 50 questions, learn how to avoid being picked in a line up, and most important, learn about experience with Bruce Campbell.
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tues 06 Mar - BEER CANNON!

More useless inventions like the above by visiting here!


Watch cans of beer being hurled at objects like vases, tv and china cats at high speed, and then watch them all EXPLODE!
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Mon 05 Mar - Big and little crystal creek ROCK!


Run run run, shoot shoot shoot, run shoot run, shoot run shoot... you get the general idea...


Simple, you are far too lazy to get up and walk to the fridge to get yourself another beer, your flatmate / wife / girlfriend / significant other is no where to be seen... what to do... what about a ROBOT FRIDGE THAT HURLS THE CANS TOWARDS YOU! Genius!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Fri 02 March - What an esky!

More power of the ass, this time a game using your gassy ass to land on the toilet!


This guy, for a radio competition, snorted powdered wasabi! It does not end well for him...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thurs 01 March - RIP Summer, bring on the footy!

This is the famous 100x100 burger from a fast food joint in USA. Its 100 meat patties and 100 slices of bright orange cheese... together it creates instant heart attack in a box!


The amazing power of the ass - watch in amazement as a woman breaks chopsticks with nothing but the sheer power of her mighty cheeks... Gasp as she is outdone with a woman and a fork!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wed 28 Feb - So sad to see summer go...

Weird freaky ways that people have died, including the worlds only dead jockey that won a race!


Here is a lesson why you should never, EVER leave your mobile phone unattended.

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tues 27 Feb - Weird home theater set up


This guy is a little obessed with 2 things, Star Trek and a home cinema... and watch as the 2 worlds combine...


So this random guy is hooked up to a lie detector, that is actually just a fancy looking air conditioner... the amazing truths that come out of his mouth include the last porn movie he watched, how long his schlong is and is he gay...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mon 26 Feb - Red carpet time!


Hollywood darling, sweetie darling... All things red carpet and little golden men on the official site...

Ever wondered what your first dance would be as hubby and wife? This couple was not happy with a waltz, but decided to recreate a scene from Dirty Dancing... infront of everyone... how embassassing!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fri 23 Feb - We are going to lunch today! YAY!!!!


The ultimate in home security! Look out alarms, here comes the life size DARLEK!


Paul Kelly has released a song about our very own Warnie.... Ummmm, its interesting....

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thurs 22 Feb - 6 days till we draw the spa and sauna!

Cute little baby animals... aawwwwww so dammmmmmm ugly!


Ok this morning we played the Glade plug in, for ladies who may want to hide their odours from farting... the trick is, there is swearing in it, so if you want a copy, send me an email together with $20 and we will send it to you.
Ok that was wishful thinking...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wed 21 Feb - Its my parents wedding anniversary today!


A web page fully of weird and freaky coincidences, like this one...
In 1899 a bolt of lightning killed a man as he stood in his backyard in Taranto, Italy.Thirty years later his son was killed in the same way and in the same place.On October 8, 1949, Rolla Primarda, the grandson of the first victim and the son of the second, became the third.


A movie 18 years in the making - the Simpsons! Here is the new trailer to check out!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tues 20 Feb - Pee like a man!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mon 19 Feb - Start of a fresh new week!

Looking for a new personalised plate for your car? Check out here for some ideas!
This woman is amazing! Raising her family with her hubby, the trick is, she has no arms!
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fri 16 Feb - BONUS ROUND!

This is what happens when you get the Chinese Govt to re-forrest an unsued quarry...
Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thurs 15 Feb - BONUS - Is your job killing you?

Ugly side of work revealed

Think your job is killing you? A website set up by an online recruiting firm shows you exactly how bad things are.

"Age-o-Matic" from ( lets you load a photograph, answer a few multiple-choice questions and then shows you the results on the same personal photograph, which is digitally altered to include bald pates, wrinkles and gray skin.

"If my company was a band, it would be called: "The Detestables, The Oi Veys, Hell Co" and "My work environment resembles: an armpit, a stinky sock, hell" are just some of the questions and answers given to site visitors.

You can even send your "profile" to a friend - or your boss.

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fri 16 Feb - The weekend is here!


Sick of paying stupid taxes on your beloved beer? Join the online petition here! And while there, have a look about the site, its pretty interesting!


Ever wondered what it would be like to get hit by a taser gun? Well a reporter never has to wonder again!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!