Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fri July 14 - Oh helloooo Ladies Day!

Ahhhhh the mighty maroons!


Did you know that ever 30 seconds, somewhere in the world, a leg is amputated due to Diabeties?
July 15 marks the end of Diabeties Week in Australia, check out this page for more info...


Crazy new sport, could it be included in the 2016 Oylmpics? Its GOLD GOLD GOLD for Australia!


Have you heard of Mensa? The club for the really really really really really smart people? Well thats not politically correct anymore especially since there is no club for the really dumb people... OR IS THERE?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thurs 13 July - One more sleep till the weekend

This is what happens when you get drunk around bastard mates.


Very tricky mental game, with a very catchy theme song... "pick the colour, what you gonna dooooo". Ok, its better if you just click on the link.

Pick the celeb from the FAKE!!!!

Wed July 12 - Its dam early


Ok hands up who loves the Hoff? The most perfect person to re-record the Ted Mulray Gang classic and here is the video for it, watch the whole thing cause the best bit is at the end! No, its not when it ends...

Did you know that "An adult bedbug can survive up to one year without feeding."?


That and other random sleep facts to consider when you go to bed tonight...


Got a flatmate and a lot of time on your hands? Ever thought of doing stuff like this?
* Whenever the phone rings, get up and answer the door. Whenever someone knocks, answer the phone.

*Learn a lot of quotations. Whenever you talk to your roommate, say nothing but quotes for three weeks
That and 378 more weird things you can do to annoy your flatmates!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tues 11 July - Are titles necessary?

Trouble with a capital T!


What religion has "Countless gods and spiritual beings. Demonic aliens."? Or which one has "The Divine Spirit, called "ECK"?
I don't know either...

Is your kids teddy bears looking a little suspicious? Think maybe hes been hiding out in a terrorist cell? Well, here is your chance to strike one for the freedom fighters!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Mon 10 July - QUEENSLANDER and the human nacho.

State of Origin 2006 will go down as one of the best series ever, not because t he blues were sent back to NSW with all 6 of their legs carrying them as fast as it would take them, not only cause QLD emerged victorious, but because that dirty roach Karina dared to defy the awesome might of the mighty Maroons. Ok, maybe I'm a little bias...

The calm before the storm...

Karina needs a little dutch courage!

Mmm salsa! The corn chips actually tasted really nice too!

Check out the Guacamole actually in mid flight!

MMMMMMMM Nachoey goodness!

A big thanks to everyone at Cactus Jacks at Cannon Park for helping us out, also The crew at Riverside Foodworks & JR Foam and Rubber for their donations.


Monday 10 July - How smrt are you? I mean, how smart are you?

Think all chicks working in I.T. are geeky, dorky glass wearing nerd burgers? WRONG! Check out this new calender.

I'd like to double click their mouse anytime! (and other such geeky jokes about hard drives, floppy disks and RAM)


Think you know your yellow pages from your other world wide logos...

Oh my god! Look out SUPERMAN, Super Becca is in town, will she be back to fend herself off from the evil genius with the Kryptonian fog super weapon? Stay tuned for more exciting adventures of.... SUPER BECCA!!!