Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fri 15 Sept - Poor wet pussy...


MMMMM I love cookies, oh they are sooo dam good, but I lay awake at night wondering where is a great place where I can go to for cookie recipies? I tossed and turned for months untill this revelation...


At some point, there was a genius who thought why not combine Hard core pirate action with yo yo wassup homie g rapping skills, and not content there, wanted to stream a heavy Christian theme through the whole thing, the end result? The worst bit of tv in the history of tv!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thurs 14 Sept - Crickey! Tacky game inside!


Busting to visit the loo but dont know where any are? Well herei s your handy dandy toilet planner! A list of public toilets right around Aust are here!


Tackey and Tasteless or just another computer game, see what you think with Terrys revenge on the Stingrays...


Click here to view what I like to call the "MERRY GO ROUND OF DEATH" (insert evil laugh here and thunder and lightening)


Email us anytime at -

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wed 13 Sept - More pointless stuff! YAY!!!


A nice easy game that allows you to show your true colours, are you an Aussie, Pom or Kiwi Lover?


I love the the old tv show, the Muppets, I even have series 1 on dvd it rocks that much. Hands up who loves the BORK BORK BORK action from the Swedish Chef?


Remember to Email us here!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tues 12 Sept - I like pirates!


Do you have a friend thats just given birth and you want to get them something different, new and exciting to celebrate the new addition to their family? Well, simply buy them something from here!


Good old fashioned therapy for curing ADHD compliments from the boys of South Park

Mon 11 Sept - The day the world was changed forever...


Ok, so this one is not probably going to make it onto the RSPCA web site, but its dam fun!


This guy takes out the award for "The Most Gayest Weatherman 2006" when a roach climbs up his leg. Great big girls blouse...