Friday, September 22, 2006

Fri 22 Sept - Yeeehhaarrrrrrr Avast me hearties!

Since its talk like a pirate day, we should dedicate most of the inbox to Pirate stuff, and to celebrate, I am off to drink rum today! YAHAARRRRRRRR!!!!
The Aussie site as a fund raiser for us here in Qld!
The Official Talk like a pirate day site
Another good site that includes a translator page
And of course ye be needin your pirate name, just like me, Blind Joe Drake


Ok, back to reality now, with the worlds worst pole dancer!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thurs 21 Sept - Tickle me Maz, its a new toy...


Remember 10 years ago the tickle me elmo was the biggest thing in the world? Well the all new ELMO TMX is about to be released. What exactly is the TMX? Well go here to see the video file and if you dont at least have a giggle, you are mean and cruel.


New technology to the internet is the ability to test your lung power to that of a professional athlete. Its interesting and a good prank to play cause its not real...


Gotta love beer ads, and here is a clever one for XXXX beer to be sold over seas...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wed 20 Sept - Only 1 more sleep till thursday!


Know your geography! I failed these 10 questions, I suck...

With the Steve Irwin memorial on today, thought we had best do something in honour of the legend, here are some of this embarassing moments!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tues 19 Sept - Prince Phillip Pharts...

Look at the Queens reaction, me thinks fluffy got left off the chain!

Mel Gibson finally gets his own game, and what a fun game it is too, avoid the cops and Rabbais and keep on driving!


Remember those old clips where they had chimps dressed up as humans doing things? Well, lets take a trip down memory lane!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mon 18 Sept - BONUS ROUND!!!

Ultimate Hangover Cure!

Mon 18 Sept - Ok, this is weird...

You know a web page is going to be weird when it starts off like this... "Do you like to put stuff on your cat? So do we!"


Beer, gotta love it, and beer commercials should be funny, thus displaying how if you drink their product, you too will be cool and probably score with hot chicks... Reality is a bitch sometimes...

Make your way past the state of the art security system and go to "TV Spots"


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!