Friday, November 03, 2006

Fri 03 Nov - Bring on the weekend!

Translate your name into Russian! Make sure your speakers are on cause it actually pronounces your name as well! Simple and easy and fun at the same time...


Baywatch is being released on DVD shortly and if you ever wanted to build your own Baywatch set, click on here and print away!


New beer add for the states, just watch it, its funny!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thu 02 Nov - Keep listening to win holidays!


Look, up in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane? No! Its a game where you have to take supermans photo!


What to do if you find yourself on a air craft carrier with your mates, you are all bored and have a video cam at your disposal... You make yourself a video clip of course!


Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Wed 01 Nov - Bring on MOvember


Long live the 80's with this... Mr T playset!

The Moulin Rouge was a grate film clip, here is what happens when the hot girls from that clip have a few too many cup cakes...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tue 31 Oct - Win a holiday tomorrow!


Another death clock to check when you are going to expire, just incase you didnt like the results from yesterdays death clock!


Like to carve pumpkins? Well this must be your most favourite time of the year! Check out this site with some amazing bits of art, later to be turned into a roast dinner.


Stupid Kiwis, and their stupid haka... Now we at least have our own version!

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!

Mon 30 Oct - Tomorrow is spooky

When will you die? Not everyone wants to know that, well pluck up the courage and ask this web site!


Carve your own Punpkin for tomorrow night, but dont want the mess? Well, like most things now days, do it online instead!


Guys, sick of being nagged and just want 6-8 hours of peace and freedom? Well, here is your solution...

Email Karina and Maz, THE ZOO!